Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Blog Lesson #2

Once my account was created, I added these 5 RSS feeds to my account.
Bloglines/News; Pat's Knitting and Quilting; Quotes of the Day; Simply Recipes;
and Technology@ocls. Once I figured out how to do this and saw all the
different RSS feeds I could choose from I got excited. It was fun picking out
the ones that I liked. I found Grokker's site to be interesting and user friendly.
I looked up something on North Carolina Beaches, since I will be traveling to
one in the near future. It was great to be learning something new. I enjoyed
this site. I learn better with visual aid, so it great to have all these options to
choose from. Learn 2.0 has opened a whole new world for me and it works well
for me.

1 comment:


hey!You go , you are doing great!! so , when are you going traveling???